"This is the world we have made, thus have we made it." The looping platforms are designed by the very best of the contemporary psychology department. State of the art. And yet ... real value is (metaphorically) hand made and of limited circulation. It lives in a box and can really only be shown and experienced in person to have any chance of lasting effect. These handmade limited items (which each of us are) abolish psychology. They lead away from living as rats in the psychology department. What this might mean for society, scale, commerce etc. is another question. I love your work!

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Thank you so much! If I interpret you correctly, you mean that a deeper connection isn't something we can simply scroll by. I think that's right...

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Yes. I believe humans are fundamenally makers, always in the middle between the divine (however understood) and the earthly. We need to touch things. The platforms are a great illustration of "the medium is the message" -- no touching.

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deletedJun 15Liked by Sarah
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I'm not sure I understand the question-are you imagining a weird sort of perverse social media experience that trains people off of it? I like the idea, I can't quite imagine what it would mean right now tho!

Thank you for your kind words!

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